Wednesday, 30 March 2011

The Tired Wafflings of Phillipa.

This week to explain my ramblings I confess that I am very tired, have a headache coming on, am a little bit grumpy(as you might be able to glean from assorted comments) and just want this done as I would like to go away for the weekend.
First I I’d like to begin with an inspirational quote from the one and only Pinocchio
I’m a REAL boy!!! ( I would like to clarify that I am in fact a girl. Just to put that in context)
In truth this is supposed to be based around a particular topic of my choice. However, I don’t have a particular choice, these are just sites I like to look at that I sort of want to join but due to my technological inept-ness (and the fact that I can’t be bothered) I don’t.
Nominee No. 1 is (of course) Facebook. (I was lying when I said I sort of wanted to join Facebook. I hate it. I don’t know why but: it fascinates me but repulses me at the same time). Do I need to expand on Facebook? No.
The page I’m specifically looking at is the “Overheard @ Otago Uni” one (yes I am a traitor). Created “just for laughs” by some guys at Otago Uni.
The next one is Goodreads. As the title would suggest this site is about books that are good to read (get it). I’m just looking at this site in general.
The last one is 1-day. 1-day is well known by many New Zealanders for its 3 one-day sales. Basically they have 3 items on sale on their site for 24 hours. The items are usually at heavily discounted prices. 1-day has been pretty successful and now has a few different sections: including the 1-day Cellar(wine), 1-day Tee ( t-shirts) and 1-day out(vouchers for outings).
Interaction and contribution:
Facebook itself is ALL about interaction and contribution between people who are “friends” on Facebook . Overheard@OtagoUni is more of a contribution site. When you overhear a bit of random conversation that to you makes no sense at all but on its own is hilarious you post it on this wall so that everyone else can laugh at it too. No names mentioned.
Goodreads is also an interaction and contribution site. It has lots about new and upcoming books and allows users to see excerpts and read and create reviews and discussion groups and connect with people who share an interest in the same books they do.
1-day is more of a business site. It’s not for meeting people. It’s for buying stuff. I have no idea what perks you get if you join up (I’m guessing you can buy stuff) but other than that I got nothing.
Why do people contribute to this community?
To be frank I don’t contribute(except to this one and its sort of mandatory) and so I have no real idea. Therefore I will theorize…
Facebook: I think Facebook is plain vanity. I mean, your mum (and possibly your local stalker) might care what you’ve been up to every day of the week but who else does? What kind of narcissistic person thinks that everyone cares what they do? In my opinion ( since this blog IS mine and therefore all about me)  Facebook is a breeding ground for personality disorder and general annoying self-centred-ness. So are blogs for that matter.
Overheard@OtagoUni: I’m guessing this is an ego booster. People say funny things and like to have their posting “liked” to prove how awesome and popular they are (in a virtual universe GEEK!).
Goodreads: I’m guessing this is actually the same sort of thing: people gain status by contributing reviews and comments etc. on their favourite books. Enough sarcastic contribution and you could probably be considered a guru.
I’ve already established that 1-day isn’t really a contributory site, however I think the people who visit this site are probably bargain hunters, students etc looking for a good deal.
Example of contribution:
1-day (unsure as have to be a member to view. I’m not that dedicated).
Goodreads: This is a review for City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare.
kayla**'s review
Feb 03, 11
Not exactly sure why there will be another book, since Mortal Instruments was originally a trilogy, and the ending was really good in City of Glass.
But to be honest, I'm not complaining.
These books are quite good. Although I have to say that the big font used in them seems kind of childish. Maybe that's just me.
Hopefully this one will deliver what all the fans hope for.
Just to be clear--
That means JACE:)
Thought I'd just add something about the cover:
I like that they decided to switch it up a bit for the second cycle in the series by having two people on it! However, I also liked the fact that the theme to it remains the same.
Getting more and more excited as the date draws closer!=)

Overheard@OtagoUni: this is a random post by: Nathan Woodhead who overheard this:

‎"That dude's a great rugby player. He's as strong as an ox...and as agile as...a smaller ox...".

If you have taken the time to wade through all the previous posts I have made you have probably noticed a recurring topic. That’s right we’re back to ETHICS again.
Goodreads: I think Goodreads as a site is pretty ethical (though I have would have no idea if they were not). People have control over what they choose to write and only the details they choose to share about themselves are avalible to the public.
1-day: all of 1-day’s communication is between the client and the company and the company and the  client. The only ethical issues I can see are that the t-shirts are made in china (probably by child labour) but that’s not to do with the interaction between the company and client, it’s another issue altogether.
Overheard@OtagoUni clearly states on its front page the privacy requirements etc. I would assume that the people running the show would probably have some kind of thingy-button so that they can take down any comments that they don’t feel meet this criteria.
Positives and negatives when compared to a traditional geographical community:
I think that though these are both referred to as “communities” they are difficult to compare as they are so totally different in every way as to be almost incomparable.
 people from many different places or parts of the world can contribute,
Not locationally bound.
People can share their honest open opinions
Judgements are based solely on the information or opinion given by the writer, not necessarily physical appearance or other attributes that mar our judgement of people.
I don’t think anything can really make up for social contact with real people.
Social contact is fundamental for humans, especially developing children etc.
The fact that people are sometimes totally uninhibited online is not always a good thing, some things weren’t made/done to be said or shared.

 As Pinocchio once said: I’m a REAL boy! So why don’t we get out and embrace our REALNESS!!!


  1. I like how you have set your blog out. It is really easy to read yet very informative!
