Thursday 6 October 2011

Unrelated Rambling...

this week the rambling continues once more with me talking about how the particular need that baking is fulfilling in my life AT THIS EXACT MOMENT. So it is just ever so slightly different from last week.
This blog post is pretty much the result of a conversation with Fenja and Elise in class, as we all discussed the above topic, so all credit to them. On answering the deceptively simple question, "So why do you bake?" I then realised there was a wealth of information to be discovered. I nattered away for a significant amount of time before realised that all I had to say fitted into several short sentences:I bake because I am bored and I bake to interact with my flatmates. At the moment they are busy all the time and away all the time. I bake things they will eat. I watch the tins/jars of baked goods decrease and that is how I know my flatmates are still alive and kicking (and eating).
Just this week I've had a perfect example of that: Flatmate 1 is away on holiday, Flatmate 2 is doing shiftwork at the hospital, and Flatmate 3 is studying crazily for law exams. I have not even glimpsed Flatmate 2 since Sunday, but I know she is around as the cheese straws I made (with her in mind, as she likes savory things), which I left in the round tin, have been steadily decreasing. Flatmate 3, I have in fact seen, and interacted with, however only after about 9pm at night. I made some Rice bubble cake for her, ( to act as a study snack) because she LOVES sweet things, and rice bubble cake, containing sugar, honey, butter and rice bubbles seemed a perfect choice. I have also been tracking the progress of that baking and am happy to report that it too is decreasing. : )

1 comment:

  1. Pip I learnt so much about you that class by just talking about your baking. I think you are amazing that you bake to have contact with your flat mates who you don’t see. You show you care for them by knowing what they like and what they are doing. And think I it’s incredible that you continue to do it without the verbal appreciation of a “thank you” most of us would expect. For you it seems your enjoyment of creating food and the fact you know your flatmates are eating your creation is enough. I wonder if you no longer could bake what you would do instead?
