Tuesday 6 September 2011


Well I thought this stage of my life: the 'Blogging stage', characterised by glamourising everything that happens in my life, extreme vanity in all activities(ie pretending that people care what I stuff around doing all day), and pretending to be an awesome, sarcastic-yet-knowledgeable-while-still-being-cool student; was OVER.  Unfortunately I was mistaken. Once again I am forced to salvage my blog just so I can write some more about my mundane daily activites and discuss them in depth, although truthfully no-one actually sees or reads this(unless they're forced to) so I regard this as a tiresome and fruitless yet entertaining effort, rather like playing charades.
Anyway, This blog is not actually all about me whinging about why I don't really want to maintain a blog. It's actually supposed to be about me completing a mindful activity of my choice for two hours a week. I chose my activity as that of baking.
(CUE: Ramble about Baking) I love baking. I have no problem completing two hours of baking a week. In fact it's only Wednesday and since Monday I have baked 2 batches of cookies (Afghan & Honey-oat), 2 loaves of bread (plain and herb; as our flat had run out) and 1 chocolate cake (for a friends birthday) in addition to 2 evening meals. The evening meals are not counted as that is 'cooking' which differs from 'Baking' (by my own personal definition). In the world of Pip 'cooking' refers to mandatory-type food making ie: "My flatmates and I are hungry what should I cook for dinner?" Or "it's my night to cook". The food is made for the express purpose of eating as soon as it is made for a set meal.
However the term "baking" implies the making of food that is pure frippery. It is not necessary or cost-efficient, but more for the pure joy of making things by mixing random, most often quite yucky-looking ingredients together and coming out with a (usually) vaguely appealing result. It is not made for a specific event and is consumed as and when it is felt like.
(and now for the part that is what was actually supposed to be on the blog) Baking is about relaxing, socialising, achieving and giving. It is most certainly a useful hobby to have in OT because of all of it's therapeutic applications: demonstrates sequencing, following directions, and a lot of higher processing skills. It probably helps that it's just plain fun.
I feel like enough chitchat has been had this week. off to make some spicy apple muffins. Mmmmm.

1 comment:

  1. I know this won't count towards my comments quota but i LOVED that first paragraph!
